N Scale Keep Alive

Smallest DCC Keep Alive (N Scale)

These are the smallest DCC Keep Live boards made. They offer the best options for improving operations of N Scale locomotives. These do not provide the level of Keep Alive that can be installed in larger locomotives.

  • Smallest DCC Keep Alive foot prints
    • 470uF model is 9.5mm W x 6.6mm L x 3.6mm H
      • Can be trimmed with diagonal cutters to 8.3mm W x 5.9mm L
        • .33″ x .27″ x .15″
    • 840uF model is 9.5mm W x 9mm L x 5.5mm H
      • Can be trimmed with diagonal cutters to 9mm W x 9mm L
        • .36″ x .33″ x .22″
  • Expandable by easily adding parallel external capacitors
  • Easy to program when installed. Will program like a normal decoder when connected to a Lok Programmer, or a Soundtraxx PCB-100 Booster (Page Mode)
  • 14V maximum track voltage
    • Over voltage protected
  • For best results the 470uF should be used with an external 470uF capacitor for a total capacitance of 940uF
  • These do not provide the level of Keep Alive that can be installed in larger locomotives. It does provide enough Keep Alive to take you across joints a minor track dirt.

Page down for examples of installations.

940uF Keep Alive
470uF Keep Alive
U.S.A. Shipping is $5, Canada 9.95 USD, otherwise 14.95 USD
Keep Alive
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Installation Examples

Atlas SD9 Installation (N Scale)

Note the ground connection in the circle. This connects the ground of the Nano board to a location on the Atlas adapter board that connects to the rear plug.
Main connection to 470uFd keep alive board.
Ground connection on the ESU Nano board.
Connections to additional 470uFd keep alive board.

Atlas SD45 Soundtrax Installation (N Scale)

470uFd Product Installation.

Lok Select Micro Installation (N Scale)

Kato F Unit Lok Sound and Lok Pilot Micro 5 Installation (N Scale)

This installation included the WVD ESU Loksound 5 Micro Next18 Adapter PCA.

Lok Sound installation with 470uFd product and two additional 470uFd capacitors. (Note that the image shows 3 470uFD capacitors and that the third one was removed to fit the shell properly.
Lok Pilot Installation with 840uFd product and two additional 470uFd capacitors installed.

Scale Trains SD45T 940uF Installation (N Scale)

Over all view


Connection to Scale Trains mother board.

Additional add on capacitors installation.

Atlas GP20 with LokSound 5 58721 Decoder (N Scale)

Installation of the 470uF unit with auxiliary low profile addition 470uF capacitor.

Red wire is U+ or UE+ and black wire is ground.

Keep alive mounted to the left under the decoder.